How to Sauna

The sauna is traditionally used and best enjoyed in cycles. We think of it as a 4-step process: Hot, cold, relax, repeat.


How long should you stay in a sauna?

There is no target amount of time to be in the hot room of our mobile sauna rentals. This is not a competition where the last one in who can tolerate the most heat and steam (or löyly) wins. Although that has been done before (and has been cancelled after a tragic incident in 2010). Whenever your body starts to tell you it is too hot, it is time to leave. This is usually somewhere around 10-20 minutes, but everyone is different.

There are just too many variables to prescribe a target time. Maybe the sauna is hotter that day or you’re sitting on a higher bench where there is more heat. Maybe you hit the town the night before or are recovering from a sickness or a workout. Maybe it has been a few weeks or months since your last sauna session. There are countless reasons why your body may be able to tolerate more or less heat. Listen to it. You can always come back in for another round!


A woman enjoys a cold plunge tub after a sauna session.

Let your body fully cool down. This could look different depending on the season or where you live. It could be jumping in a cold lake or tub (the ice package is seasonally available for rent with your mobile sauna) for a few minutes, taking a cold shower, dumping a bucket over your head, making a snow angel, or simply standing outside in the brutal Minnesota cold.


A group of people relaxing in between sauna sessions around a firepit.

Let your heart rate and body return to an equilibrium. Rehydrate with water. Breathe. Relax. Enjoy your company.

This aspect can also look different depending on the time of the year. In the summers, this could be long and drawn out. There could be drinks or food involved. In the winters, it may be a little quicker and could take place around a fire or in the changing/cool-down room of the sauna. Looking to up your relaxation space? The smokeless firepit, chairs, and string lights shown above are available as an add-on to your mobile sauna rental.


Repeat the process 2-5 times depending on how you’re feeling and how much time you have!


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How to Start a Fire in a Sauna Stove